I must admit I'm pretty excited about jumping on the big red bus to Las Vegas. The last time I was there was 2003 when I took in the Interbike show and then drove onto Virgin,(little airline link there..) Utah to cover the Red Bull Rampage. Since there's been a bit of a film renaissance in the Waugh household, I took a detour to Calumet to pick up some 120 roll film, before visiting Rouleur magazine. I am in a quandry as to what to take to the city of sin. My heart says Holga, but I was very pleased with the results from the Bronica SQ (see Roadwrites piece below) and the pix I got from my Fuji 645 in Vegas last time were nice too. As you see, I bought 160VC, Portra 800 for dusk and night shots, some EPP - the best stock for cross processing- and a brick of Kodak BW400CN which will be nice for some desert high contrast stuff and is especially good through a Holga. So what to use? I may toss a coin. I may lose some coin. It is Vegas afterall.....
see ya there